Thursday, March 31, 2016

model journey in short, any questions feel free to comment xx

me, myself and my journey...... (sorry for mumble nonsense)

as you know, modelling is my life.. its my passion and where i feel i truly belong. I'm very much an edgy model although can adapt to moods and expressions well, i would say my main love is the more intense looks as really draws you in to know more of the story. but who am i? you're the viewers, so you are the judges

modelling is a tricky job, i have to be honest i do this 24/7 i never fully switch off, i dont have a huge social life outside of this and you have to keep focused! thick skinned also, i never believed it until recently that the industry can be cruel at times as I've made so so many friends and seen so many places... grown with so many people... I'm a big softy, always have been always will be... i like helping others get further in their career and always share all my contacts and that itself is a blessing and a curse (but ill never stop), people backstab, say nasty things, even at castings they compare girls and put them down.. it can be tough!

i started modelling at a very terrible time in my life, I DIDNT EVEN LIKE MY PHOTO BEING TAKEN... i was beaten up quite badly by a gang of people, bullies are awful! i started this to do photography and ended up in front of the camera instead as i was fascinated, never did i think i had any type of potential .. and i still think i didn't at all... my first shoots was with a group of photographers all expecting a professional experienced model, i obviously wasn't and smiled nervously!? the group took well to me and i believe felt a little sorry for me :$ and invited me back , but since then i wanted to learn lighting, face shapes, poses etc... it was a huge boost!

since then, i got recommended around, i had to do lots of Tests as known as TF shoots, for about a year, i wish i had invested into a high quality photographer from the offset to save time but at the same time i appreciate the experience and determination that came from pestering people for shoots ;)

I've grown so much, to work with the best in the industry.. i can't tell you how i never truly believed i would but kept working for it! I've had the best time, I'm still buzzing from seeing everyones creativity... i still get my moments of self doubt (mental illness) or whatever people want it to be called, things from my past make me who i am today, I'm strong but i also still hold onto the badness that made me push through to live.

we all go through something in life no matter what it is, illness, losing people, bullies, life challenges itself is terrible!

anyway i can go on and on. but thats a snippet, well a long read already of me and my journey.

FINALLY check out these images... they even made the front cover of sheeba magazine which I'm incredibly proud of :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

back to blogging again x

Hey everyone, im so rubbish at keeping this blog updated so i do have to just apologize for being so lame, but... I'm back!

ive got some fabulous news that huge things are happening, i have been very busy running up and down the country doing various lookbooks, editorials and hair shoots.. plus plenty more..

today i had a meeting with a truly fantastic brand called Cetuen, a lovely makeup artist friend told me a while ago it'd be great to work with the brand and so finally we pinned a date and that was today, from the minute i walked into the building with all of their products i just knew that this brand was what i wanted to be involved with... cutting a long story short.. the meeting went fantastic and im now going to be trying out all of their products and blogging how my skin looks and feels different! so you all can know what the products do :) i'm also going to be updating my instagram with images of the progress of my skin and facts about the products...

day 1 :)

not to mention i have some fabulous workshops coming up with the big names of Andrew Appleton, Saracen house stduio, Jake hicks and plenty more... so if you are a new beginner photographer or simply want to update and expand your portfolio do get in contact with me-

i think that covers enough for now, but i do have HUGE things coming... so keep an eye out to see what i'll be up to next XXX

any questions, please ask. comment, email whatever :) happy to anwser and everything helps XXX

Monday, June 30, 2014

30/06/2014 :)

Hello, so i havent been blogging in like forever. so... i thought i'd say hello and start blogging all over again. I've been very very busy modelling for Tours around the Uk, many shoots and other events. so much to talk about...
i've recently took part in bowens new video, modelled for photographic equipment campaign that'll get published worldwide, i'm in the middle of making my very own book, went on tour for best scottish hairdresser Tracey devine for Affinage. oh and just so much more.

alot of it i cant show you all right now, as waiting on publication, but here is what i can show.....

also, website is please check it out! follow me and stay in contact xo
amber tutton (model).

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


i came back from my tour in Birmingham and my boyfriend (Alexander) suprised me to a trip in brighton... THE NEXT DAY! so off we went lots of rushing around with taxi's trains and more taxi's. we finally got to brighton and my gosh it's like nowhere i have ever been before it's beautiful.

everyone that is here is so happy and welcoming the sun is blaring hot and everything looks so crazy! just my sort of place. anyway cut the story short we went out for meals, to the beach, on the rides, had a few drinks, shopped, and relaxed. oh and Alexander got burnt!

heres a few pictures...

we will definitely be going back and highly recommend it to anyone!

she's blogging, really?

hey so i haven't blogged in a while due to traveling and being super busy, i apologize but here is what i've been up to...

so i went to Birmingham for 3 days and had 6 shoots+workshops in my time there i was lucky enough to work with the likes of, Salleh Sparrow,Sophie bebb mua, Julian Kilsby, Gary Price, Jon Dow, Richard Swift, 3690 photography and many more that were on the workshops. (sorry for not remembering all of yours names.)

<< taken by salleh!..

                                   taken by gary price!>>

<<one more taken by the wonderful Gary Price.

                 and one taken by richard swift.>>

there are more to come from my other 2 shoots (Julian Kilsby + 3690 photography to come)
after my trip to Birmingham i came home and my boyfriend rushing me off to Brighton another post to follow....

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shooting at saracen house 02/06/2013 . :)

so today, i've been booked for two shoots... one being with Andrew the studio owner and the other with a wicked photographer called paul.

so, i rock up to saracen house at 4:30 and me and andrew are shooting first, i bring like 1000 outfits in three bags i could barely carry!!! i walk in and ofcourse the first thing that happens is andrew asks me 'would you like a tea' i say ' y....e' and before i say '...s' he has made me one! poifect! then we go through outfits and pair up the ones that we think are stylish and fresh. So we are ready to shoot and it's only 4:45 THEN......we start talking about our inspirations and general chit chat about work etc etc and before you know it  5:15 EEEEK so we start shooting took about 70 shots and we got two changes of clothes. we did AWESOME! here is a back of camera shot from our shoot...

second shoot of the day with Paul, he turned up 20 minutes early with a huge smile on his face and asked how i was since the last shoot told me some of his shoot experiences in the last 4 months and when i asked him what kind of image he was going for and how he'd like me to look, he responded ''i trust your judgement, put together any outfit any makeup and any hair...we will do amazing shots regardless'' so i did. we did three lighting set ups, full length shots, headshots and three quarter. was so much fun!!

can't wait to show you all :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

blog a day

i never blog what i do with my days, and always running around between shoots and travels. but i'll try my best

heres what i have been up to in the last week :)

 been on plenty of walks with my dog and also giving my photography ago ;)
 modelled, as usual had 5 shoots this week, all pretty local.
 here's a couple from the week :)

                 also decided it's time to give myself a look change! so this is how i spent my evening yesterday :)

today i had a relaxing spa day with my mother, i also got  a spray tan. i'm nut uploading photo's yet of it as i havent washed it off yet and look like i have been swimming in sewer. :P

yum yum
much love, and will be posting more from now on, Amber Tutton model!xxx